boşan da semerini ye

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boşan da semerini ye
your eyes are bigger than your belly
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Phonetic: "/aɪz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: An organ through which animals see (perceive surroundings via light).

Example: Bright lights really hurt my eyes.

Definition: The visual sense.

Example: The car was quite pleasing to the eye, but impractical.

Definition: The iris of the eye, being of a specified colour.

Example: Brown, blue, green, hazel eyes.

Definition: Attention, notice.

Example: That dress caught her eye.

Definition: The ability to notice what others might miss.

Example: He has an eye for talent.

Definition: A meaningful stare or look.

Example: She was giving him the eye at the bar.

Definition: A private eye: a privately hired detective or investigator.

Definition: A hole at the blunt end of a needle through which thread is passed.

Definition: The oval hole of an axehead through which the axehandle is fitted.

Definition: A fitting consisting of a loop of metal or other material, suitable for receiving a hook or the passage of a cord or line.

Definition: The relatively clear and calm center of a hurricane or other cyclonic storm.

Definition: A mark on an animal, such as a peacock or butterfly, resembling a human eye.

Definition: The dark spot on a black-eyed pea.

Definition: A reproductive bud in a potato.

Definition: The dark brown center of a black-eyed Susan flower.

Definition: A loop forming part of anything, or a hole through anything, to receive a rope, hook, pin, shaft, etc. — e.g. at the end of a tie bar in a bridge truss; through a crank; at the end of a rope; or through a millstone.

Definition: That which resembles the eye in relative importance or beauty.

Definition: Tinge; shade of colour.

Definition: One of the holes in certain kinds of cheese.

Definition: The circle in the centre of a volute.

Definition: The enclosed counter (negative space) of the small letter e.

Definition: (game of go) An empty point or group of points surrounded by one player's stones.

Definition: (usually plural) View or opinion.

Example: This victory will make us great in the eyes of the world.

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Phonetic: "/aɪz/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To observe carefully or appraisingly.

Example: After eyeing the document for half an hour, she decided not to sign it.

Definition: To appear; to look.

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Phonetic: "/aɪz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A brood.

Example: an eye of pheasants

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Phonetic: "/ɛə/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: An accepted (but deprecated and rarely used) SI unit of area equal to 100 square metres, or a former unit of approximately the same extent. Symbol: a.

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Phonetic: "/ˈbɪɡə/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Of great size, large.

Example: Elephants are big animals, and they eat a lot.

Definition: (of an industry or other field, often capitalized) Thought to have undue influence.

Example: Big Tech

Definition: Popular.

Example: That style is very big right now in Europe, especially among teenagers.

Definition: Adult.

Example: Kids should get help from big people if they want to use the kitchen.

Definition: Fat.

Example: Gosh, she is big!

Definition: Important or significant.

Example: What's so big about that? I do it all the time.

Definition: (with on) Enthusiastic (about).

Example: I'm not big on the idea, but if you want to go ahead with it, I won't stop you.

Definition: Mature, conscientious, principled; generous.

Example: I tried to be the bigger person and just let it go, but I couldn't help myself.

Definition: Well-endowed, possessing large breasts in the case of a woman or a large penis in the case of a man.

Example: Whoa, Nadia has gotten pretty big since she hit puberty.

Definition: (sometimes figurative) Large with young; pregnant; swelling; ready to give birth or produce.

Example: She was big with child.

Definition: Used as an intensifier, especially of negative-valence nouns

Example: You are a big liar.  Why are you in such a big hurry?

Definition: (of a city) populous

Definition: (of somebody's age) old, mature. Used to imply that somebody is too old for something, or acting immaturely.

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Phonetic: "/ˈbɪɡə/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To make or become bigger.

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Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: At that time; then.

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Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Introduces a comparison, and is associated with comparatives, and with words such as more, less, and fewer. Typically, it seeks to measure the force of an adjective or similar description between two predicates.

Example: A player than whom none is more skillful.

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Part Of Speech: conjunction

Definition: Used in comparisons, to introduce the basis of comparison.

Example: she's taller than I am;  she found his advice more witty than helpful;  we have less work today than we had yesterday;  We had no choice than to return home

Definition: (obsolete outside dialectal, usually used with for) Because; for.

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Phonetic: "/bɛli/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The abdomen, especially a fat one.

Definition: The stomach.

Definition: The womb.

Definition: The lower fuselage of an airplane.

Definition: The part of anything which resembles the human belly in protuberance or in cavity; the innermost part.

Example: the belly of a flask, muscle, violin, sail, or ship

Definition: The hollow part of a curved or bent timber, the convex part of which is the back.

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Phonetic: "/bɛli/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To position one’s belly; to move on one’s belly.

Definition: To swell and become protuberant; to bulge or billow.

Definition: To cause to swell out; to fill.

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Yukarıdaki giriş alanını kullanarak İngilizce-Türkçe sözlükte bir Türkçe terim arayın. İngilizce veya Türkçe arama yapabilirsiniz. İngilizce veya Türkçe aradığınız cümlenin çok fazla çevirisi varsa filtreleme seçeneklerini kullanarak sonuçları sınırlandırabilirsiniz. İngilizce-Türkçe sözlükte harfe göre ara. İngilizce-Türkçe sözlük, alfabeyi manuel olarak görüntüleme olanağı sağlar. Belirli kelimelerin çevirilerine bakmak ve bir cümle bağlamında ne anlama geldiklerini görmek için aşağıdaki bağlantıları da kullanabilirsiniz.

Çevirilerinizi daha da iyi hale getirmek için özel olarak tasarlanmış arayüzümüzün yeni özelliklerine göz atın. Doğal olarak, hizmetimiz ücretsiz kalır ve ayrıca bir uygulama olarak da mevcuttur. Tüm özellikler, çeşitli ortak dillerin kombinasyonları için yerel olarak mevcuttur. Diğer özellikler ve dil kombinasyonları aşağıdadır. Hangi dile çeviri yaparsanız yapın, ortaya çıkan metin çevrimiçi sözlüğümüze bağlanır. Anlamları ve diğer cümlelerdeki kullanımları hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinmek istiyorsanız, çıktı metin kutusundaki tek tek kelimeler ayrıntılı olarak analiz edilir. Her şey tamamen ayrıntılı ve gerekirse test edilmiştir!Belki tercümanlık mesleğinde ustalaşmak istersiniz? Sitemizle eğitiminiz hızlı ve kolay olacak! Çevirmenler çeviri yaparken çeşitli becerilere ve materyallere ihtiyaç duyarlar. Çevirmenlerin genel özellikleri çevrilecek olan erek dile ve kaynak dile çok iyi hakim olmak, okuduklarını ve duyduklarını iyi anlamak ve iyi bir hafızaya sahip olmaktır. Fonetik, gramer ve cümlelerdeki kelime örnekleriyle birlikte kapsamlı bir kelime, deyim ve ifade kitaplığına sahip çevirmenimiz ilk kez kullanışlı bir materyal olarak kullanılabilir.Tek bir tıklamayla kelimeleri çevirin! Türkçe'den İngilizce'ye çevirmenimiz iki yönlü bir çeviri programıdır, anlamların ikamesi için kapsamlı bir sözlük içerir, kelime öbeklerinin ve ifadelerin kullanım örneklerini ve bunların fonetik bileşenlerini gösterir. Tercümanımız, çeviri alanındaki bilgi tabanını sürekli olarak güncelleyen ve son kullanıcı için tamamen anonim ve ücretsiz olarak korurken hizmet kalitesini koruyan profesyonel bir dilbilimci ekibi tarafından oluşturulmuştur. Çevirileriniz sadece size ait!